Ho hum
(too old to reply)
2017-05-20 00:53:59 UTC
Ho hum
Ho Hum I've got a big tum
I've not seen my willy in years
I vaguely remember seeing it once
It's so small it had me in tears
What should I do, it's only one inch
It's hardly a man size dick
The women I meet can't tell when it's in
And can't find it to give it a lick
I've tried and tried to make it grow
I've even put weights on the end
But nothing at all seems any good
Has someone got one they could lend?
No wait,my problems are over
There's an advert that I've just read
Sex changes at discounted prices
I could be a woman instead!!
aNgEl oF dArKnEsS
iNtErNaTiOnAl internet vigilante
pretending to fight from behind your cowardish smokescreen.
2017-05-20 00:55:14 UTC
Ho hum
Ho Hum I've got a big tum
I've not seen my willy in years
I vaguely remember seeing it once
It's so small it had me in tears
What should I do, it's only one inch
It's hardly a man size dick
The women I meet can't tell when it's in
And can't find it to give it a lick
I've tried and tried to make it grow
I've even put weights on the end
But nothing at all seems any good
Has someone got one they could lend?
No wait,my problems are over
There's an advert that I've just read
Sex changes at discounted prices
I could be a woman instead!!
aNgEl oF dArKnEsS
iNtErNaTiOnAl internet vigilante
pretending to fight from behind your cowardish smokescreen.